
Best IDP Solutions Transforming Trade Compliance in 2024

The intricate world of international trade is experiencing an enormous rise in compliance obligations, requiring effective solutions. Trade compliance is becoming more difficult due to the dynamic nature of legislation and the complex network of cross-border activities. Businesses are facing more and more difficulties in trying to find a balance between adhering to these regulations and preserving smooth international trade. This complexity has increased the demand for creative solutions that can efficiently negotiate the complicated environment of trade regulations. This is where IDP solutions step in to assist you with all complicated trade compliance challenges.

A study by McKinsey & Company shows that the high cost of trade compliance (approximately 10%) increases the need for using IDP solutions. These solutions can potentially help reduce these costs by improving efficiency and accuracy in document processing.

Explore our guide to the top 5 intelligent document processing solutions, which is designed to help you identify the best fit for your requirements.

Trade compliance landscape in 2024

Businesses in 2024 face a challenging and constantly changing environment of trade limitations. Trade laws are becoming more stringent, increasing the possibility that businesses that violate them will face penalties. Complex and ever-changing regulations pose a risk of fines and legal issues for businesses. The pressure to comply and steer clear of hefty penalties is intense, pushing companies to adapt swiftly to changing rules and safeguard their brand image.

Manual compliance methods encounter inefficiencies, inaccuracies, and delays, hampering the flow of operations. Using manual methods to handle the complex web of trade regulations frequently results in inefficiencies due to the large volume of data and documents that must be processed. Human error might lead to violations of regulations when it comes to data entry or interpretation.

Furthermore, the manual method is sometimes time-consuming, which affects operational agility and slows trade transactions. All of these elements support the integrity of trade operations and are essential for companies trying to negotiate the complicated regulatory environment successfully.

Introduction to IDP solutions

The goal of intelligent document management systems is to transform the way businesses manage trade compliance completely. Their main role revolves around streamlining compliance processes using cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning. By deciphering, analysing, and acting on large amounts of trade-related data and documentation, they speed up and enhance the accuracy of the entire compliance journey. As a result, businesses can handle their compliance-related responsibilities more effectively, cutting down on mistakes and saving valuable time.

Best IDP solutions for trade compliance in 2024

Best IDP solutions for trade compliance in 2024

IDP - iCustoms


Fundamentally, iCustoms IDP addresses the main obstacles to trade compliance that businesses encounter:

  • Easy adherence: Pre-designed workflows for different trade documents guarantee correct declarations, reducing the possibility of mistakes and the dreaded fines associated with non-compliance.
  • Time is money: Automating manual data input and document processing reduces clearing times, enabling you to focus on what matters most – your business.
  • Zero error: With 99% accuracy in the extraction of data and verification, iCustoms IDP eliminates the possibility of human errors, avoiding delays.


  • Intelligent automation: Say goodbye to tedious documentation! You may concentrate on strategic decisions by leaving the document scanning, data gathering, verification, and submission to iCustoms intelligent document solutions
  • AI-Powered insights: Artificial intelligence and machine learning are constantly enhancing iCustoms IDP, so your trade compliance procedures remain innovative.
  • Seamless integration: Establish a direct connection with customs databases to submit data more quickly and transparently, increasing authority trust and accelerating approval processes.
  • Easy-to-use interface: No technical expertise needed! Using the sophisticated features of iCustoms IDP is a breeze thanks to its straightforward interface, even for non-techies.
  • Affordable solutions: iCustoms document management solution provides organisations of all sizes with pricing models that are competitive and adapted to their specific needs.

Target users

  • Customs agents and brokers: At iCustoms, we offer user-friendly tools and systems that help customs agents and brokers navigate intricate import and export laws, guaranteeing their clients’ smooth trade compliance.
  • Freight forwarders: iCustoms provides freight forwarders with simplified solutions to oversee compliance and documentation all through the transportation process, guaranteeing smooth and effective operations.
  • Third-party logistics (3PLs): iCustoms provides complete compliance management capabilities to support third-party logistics providers with storage, transportation, and distribution services.
  • Manufacturing: In the manufacturing industry, iCustoms supports maintaining trade compliance for incoming and outgoing shipments, optimising procedures, and lowering regulatory risks.
  • Retailers and e-commerce companies: iCustoms helps retailers and e-commerce companies comply with trade laws, especially when it comes to cross-border trade and online commerce.
  • Supply chain: With solutions that simplify compliance efforts among suppliers, distributors, and intermediaries, iCustoms supports a range of supply chain entities.
  • Transportation and logistics: iCustoms provides technologies that expedite trade compliance procedures for a range of transportation methodologies, guaranteeing seamless cross-border transfers for transportation and logistics organisations.
  • Postal and parcel delivery companies: iCustoms helps them manage the compliance requirements related to international shipments and customs rules, resulting in efficient operations.

IDP - Automation Anywhere


  • Automating trade document processing: Automation of compliance duties, including invoice extraction and data collection from bills of lading and certificates of origin.
  • Increasing precision and decreasing mistakes: Using AI-powered data extraction and validation to reduce human mistakes and ensure faultless statements.
  • Increasing productivity and cutting down on time: Automating monotonous jobs to expedite their completion and free up resources for other vital tasks.


  • Pre-built AI models: You can save time by starting early with trade-specific AI models for common documents.
  • Customisable AI: Train IDP to comprehend your specific document formats and data points for easy extraction.
  • RPA integration: Utilise RPA’s capabilities to automate every step of the trade compliance process, from data collection to submission.
  • Agility based on the cloud: Easily deploy and scale IDP without expensive on-premise infrastructure.
  • User-friendly interface: Without the need for technical knowledge, configure and manage workflows with ease.

Weaknesses to consider

Complexity: Some users may find Automation Anywhere IDP less user-friendly due to the need for technical know-how for sophisticated functionality.

RPA focus: Since the platform’s primary use case is RPA, its IDP features may not be as advanced as those of specialised IDP systems.

IDP - Gleematic A.I


  • Trade compliance: Gleematic AI document processing involves extraction from invoices, bills of lading, and certificates of origin, reducing errors and simplifying declarations.
  • Global reach: Pre-built AI models handle trade paperwork in several nations and regions, simplifying regulatory compliance.
  • Reduced processing time: To speed up customs clearance and increase operational effectiveness, this software automates manual operations.
  • Risk identification: It helps you detect possible compliance problems early on to prevent penalties and mitigate them.


  • User-friendly: Users may manage workflows and create extraction rules with a sleek UI.
  • Seamless integration: Facilitates easy connectivity between custom databases and current IT systems, enhancing data interchange and transparency.
  • AI-powered learning: It improves accuracy and flexibility by continuously optimising AI models using user data and industry trends.

Weaknesses to consider

  • Limited document types: Pre-built models cover popular trade documents, but unique forms may require customisation.
  • Regional customisation: Local restrictions may require customising AI models for specific countries.
  • Integration issues: Legacy systems, particularly older customs platforms, may require substantial modifications.
  • Compliance guidance reliance: Gleematic automates data extraction but has little regulatory interpretation or best practices guidance.
  • Scalability: Implementing IDP for large documents and complicated workflows may need infrastructure expansion and careful planning.



  • Automate document chaos: It streamlines operations and eliminates manual errors by extracting invoices, bills of lading, and certificate of origin data.
  • Improving accuracy and lowering risks: The data extraction and validation accuracy ensures compliance declarations, shortens clearance times, and decreases penalty risks.
  • Optimising operations: It automates repetitive procedures, freeing up resources for higher-value work and speeding up trade processes.


  • Pre-built AI models: Cut down on setup time and customisation requirements by utilising models for common trade documents that are ready to use right away.

  • User-friendly interface: Super.AI IDP is accessible to everyone, regardless of technical skill, allowing for easy configuration and management of workflows.

  • Agility based on the cloud: Easily expand and deploy without heavy on-premise infrastructure, allowing it to grow with your needs.

  • Seamless integration: Facilitates data interchange and process continuity by easily integrating with databases and current systems.

Weaknesses to consider

  • Niche document blues: Although standard business documents can be easily managed, uncommon and distinctive formats may necessitate specialised training.

  • Regional adaptation obstacles: Complicated local laws can call for extra effort to guarantee complete compliance.

  • Difficulties with legacy systems: There may be some technical nuances when integrating with older customs systems.

  • Superb compliance coach needed: While AI IDP is excellent at extracting data, its main focus isn’t on comprehending legislation and providing comprehensive compliance counsel.

  • Scaling up cautiously: To prevent bottlenecks and guarantee seamless operation, large document volumes and intricate operations require careful planning.



  • Automation: Removes manual data entry and inaccuracies from invoices, bills of lading, certificates of origin, and other commercial papers.

  • Improving precision and lowering hazards: With a 98% accuracy rate for data extraction, Docsumo IDP guarantees compliance declarations, minimises clearing delays, and lowers the possibility of penalties.

  • Increasing operational efficiency: By automating repetitive activities like data validation and collection, resources may be allocated to higher-value work, resulting in faster trade processes.


  • Pre-trained AI models: Reduce setup time and customisation requirements by starting quickly with ready-to-use models for common trade documents.

  • User-friendly interface: Docsumo IDP is accessible to everyone, regardless of technical skill, allowing you to configure workflows and manage AI models easily.

  • Constant AI learning: To increase accuracy and adjust to new document types, Docsumo IDP is always changing. It does this by learning from user data and industry trends.

Weaknesses to consider

  • Document niche: Challenges with unusual formats, such as handwritten bills of lading or invoices with unusual layouts.

  • Obstacles to regional regulation: May not be able to manage complex trade laws for particular product categories or in specialised areas.

  • Errors in legacy systems: Integration with internal systems or outdated customs platforms might be difficult and require technical solutions.

  • Coach for compliance needed: There is a lack of in-depth regulatory interpretation and precise compliance guidance.

  • Increasing carefully: Able to manage high numbers, yet, complicated procedures or abrupt rises in the flow of documents may result in bottlenecks.

Choosing the right IDP solutions

In comparison to other businesses providing comparable services, iCustoms stands out when evaluating an IDP (Intelligent Document Processing) solution for trade compliance for a number of reasons. The following are strong arguments for selecting iCustoms iDP over other options:

  • Trade compliance focus: Accurate declarations are ensured by iCustoms IDP, which lowers errors and fines and is essential for seamless compliance.

  • Automation & AI: iCustoms incorporates AI to improve automation, streamline operations, and accommodate changing compliance requirements.

  • User-friendly & seamless integration: Easily interfaces with customs databases and is easy enough for non-techies to handle even the most complicated operations.

  • Industry-tailored solutions: iCustoms provides industry-specific solutions for a range of trade industries.

  • Competitive pricing: Provides flexible rates that don’t sacrifice quality for businesses of all sizes.

How do iCustoms overcome weaknesses in other IDP solutions?

With its all-encompassing strategy, iCustoms IDP solutions overcome the shortcomings of other IDP solutions. For example, iCustoms shines by offering an intuitive interface that smoothly interfaces with customs databases, improving data exchange and transparency when other systems might fall short in these areas.

Step into effortless trade compliance! Discover how iCustoms iDP can improve your business’s productivity and operational efficiency. Get started right away to enjoy seamless compliance!


What is IDP automation?

IDP automation uses technology to effectively extract, verify and manage trade-related data, streamlining the document processing required for customs compliance.

What distinguishes IDP from RPA?

IDP focuses on intelligent document processing for trade compliance, whereas RPA (Robotic Process Automation) automates larger duties across many corporate operations.

What sets IDP solution apart from OCR?

IDP goes beyond OCR (Optical Character Recognition) by comprehending and processing trade-specific documents for compliance.

What does IDP processing entail?

IDP processing entails the use of modern technology to collect, evaluate, and manage trade-related data and documents while adhering to customs standards.

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About iCustoms

iCustoms is an all-in-one solution helping businesses automate customs processes more efficiently. With AI-powered and machine-learning capabilities, iCustoms is designed to streamline your all customs procedures in a few minutes, cut additional costs and save time.


Struggling to Extract, Catagorise & Validate Your Documents?

Intelligent Document Automation

Capture & Upload Data in Seconds with AI & Machine Learning

Winner - "Customs Technology Partner of the Year" by MultiModal Awards