
Customs Tariff Classification: Find Commodity codes instantly using iCustoms​

We all know how traders can use commodity codes to determine HS codes. HMRC’s Harmonised System of Coding aids traders and business owners. HMRC has provided all the relevant information to benefit the company and traders. Customs tariff classification is a new gateway to classifying goods with the help of commodity codes. 


This blog will deliberately give complete details and a guide on how the iCustoms HS code lookup and mapping are streamlining a way for its users to enjoy the smart code lookup method. The HS-code classification product of iCustoms is AI-interpreted, making it unique and novel. Let us learn more about it in the following blog.

What does the customs tariff classification tell?​

The Harmonised System (HS), or tariff UK, is the standard for the global trade classification of goods. Products are given numeric designations known as HS codes, HS tariff codes, or HS classes to designate their HS classification. 


These codes help customs agencies, importers, exporters, and international organisations trade, collect data, and apply tariffs. The HS code categorisation is structured like a tree, with the root code being a six-digit number. 


The first two digits indicate the chapter, providing a high-level product classification. The following two digits provide the heading, which offers a more detailed explanation. The next two numbers denote a subcategory that further specifies the category.

HS code lookup

The insights on establishing the HS code lookup using the iCustoms innovative automation product. They are way simpler than the general guidelines that are given to find the commodity code, such as:


  1. It is integrated with HMRC, so it gives accurate results.
  2. Find the commodity codes UK with a simple keyword.
  3. It provides a similar HS-code classification for clearer discrimination
  4. Saves the history for further use
  5. It gives results in seconds as soon as you type the keyword
  6. It gives the advantage of just uploading the data, and the software will intelligently acquire the relevant commodity code.

Advantages of customs tariff classification using iCustoms:​

Locate the product speedily: 

The UK commodity codes are easily found by using the HS code lookup product of iCustoms. Find the product to obtain its commodity code.


Spend a minimum amount of time:

The significant advantage it offers is the saving of time. Reduce time but maintain efficiency.


Maintain the recorded history:

iCustoms code lookup lets you keep track of the search history, making it easy.


No manual work:

It has taken away the manual workload, which had higher error chances.


AI smart generation:

iCustoms software is fully automated and designed with high-quality, advanced AI.

Is the customs tariff classification of iCustoms reliable?​

The trustworthiness of a generic code checker is dependent on the application being used. The accuracy and dependability of the numerous commodity code checkers available can vary widely depending on criteria like data provenance, algorithmic precision, and frequency of updates to account for new legislation or reclassifications.


A reliable vendor’s accurate and up-to-date commodity code checker is reliable and trustworthy. Try to find resources based on authoritative sources like government customs offices or intergovernmental organisations.


These tools can help determine international commodity codes, but they should not do so alone. Many criteria go into assigning a commodity code, such as the product’s nature and function. If you want to be sure your goods are classified correctly and under the rules, you should talk to some specialists or customs officials.

iCustoms restores customs tariff classification reliability​

It restores the reliability and coherence of the classification of goods and makes them easy to analyse. It assures that product codes match the global authentication during the verification. Traders can use iCustoms to import in the UK, any part of the EU, and other states. 


This customs declaration software offers multiple services other than the commodity code feature. It is a complete package for a trader to submit declarations to HMRC with a single click. 


     Smart business is all about sharp thinking and keeping the customer’s needs on top.

Features of iCustoms product tariff classification​

In addition to the coding system, iCustoms engages with traders and resolves all declaration issues. Customs classification ensures a better declaration experience every time and fulfils all necessary and optional requirements.


Let’s examine some of its supplementary offerings:

HS-code Mapping​


To “map” a product’s characteristics to its HS code is to establish a connection between the two. Nobody does it better when adequately categorising goods for international trade than the Harmonised System. 


It is a system of hierarchically organised codes and descriptions for trade-related activities, including customs declarations and statistical analysis.



Import and export purposes necessitate precise and consistent product classification, making HS code mapping essential. Composure, function, and use must be considered when assigning an HS code.  


Products are correctly categorised per the HS classification system and conform to all applicable customs legislation and trade requirements via this mapping procedure.


Businesses can assure compliance, streamline customs clearance, identify appropriate tariffs and charges, and compile precise trade data by correctly mapping products to their associated HS codes.

HS-Code Mapping in iCustoms:

iCustoms HS-mapping is a valuable service that this franchise offers, and because of this, getting an accurate commodity code becomes simpler. If you don’t know the product or code, use relevant keywords for mapping.


Next, it efficiently verifies customs documentation before acceptance. This feature is very enhanced and resourceful for traders who face rejections. Before submission, iCustoms automatically cross-checks documents and details to reduce errors.

This enhances a trustworthy and loyal work environment between the company and the trader.  Data validation is essential for preserving data quality, accuracy, and consistency. It helps in decision-making, reducing errors, adhering to rules and regulations, and improving data quality overall.

Bulk Data Upload

Multiple declarations can now be submitted, making customs trade profitable and competitive.  iCustoms software is AI-based and designed to be fast, accurate, and peculiar. It is time-saving, skilled, consistent, and gives better scalability. 


It can handle a higher volume of data without slowing down and provides better automation. iCustoms knows that traders need today’s businesses, especially trade compliance, to grow domestic trade. 


Uploading massive amounts of data simultaneously automates, checks for data inconsistencies, and streamlines routine tasks, saving firms time and effort. These benefits are crucial to raising output, decreasing errors, and better organising data.

Ending Statement:

      A business only grows when you fit yourself in the shoes of a customer.


iCustoms fulfils the little necessities of the trader that don’t look beneficial from afar. But, when you look closely, all you can provide an entrepreneur is ease, comfort, and unbreakable trust by using customs tariff classification. 

Apart from customs tariff classification, it offers multiple varieties that can lessen the burden on a trader from the hectic declaration work. Take a moment to learn about the AI-advanced processes that iCustoms provides for astute businesses.


What is tariff classification in customs?

Tariff classification is a process to find the commodity codes for the customs trade. It is a 10-digit code.

How do I find the HS-classification number?

Using the tariff website ( you can find the relevant commodity code according to the product keyword.

How does iCustoms help with customs tariff classification?

iCustoms supports the traders in their customs declarations, providing accurate and reliable tariff classification.

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Simplify Tariff Classification


Instantly Identify Commodity Codes & Elevate Your Customs Compliance.

About iCustoms

iCustoms is an all-in-one solution helping businesses automate customs processes more efficiently. With AI-powered and machine-learning capabilities, iCustoms is designed to streamline your all customs procedures in a few minutes, cut additional costs and save time.


Simplify Tariff Classification


Instantly Identify Commodity Codes & Elevate Your Customs Compliance.

Winner - "Customs Technology Partner of the Year" by MultiModal Awards