
Irish Customs Declarations: What You Need to Know in 2024

Irish Automated Import System

Irish Customs Declarations: What You Need to Know in 2024 Ever transported goods via Ireland’s borders? Knowing Irish Customs Declarations is essential whether you’re a seasoned trader or a newbie in the field. It is essential to guarantee a seamless and legal procedure. This guide is your all-in-one resource for navigating the rules in 2024, especially in light of the most recent modifications that could affect your import/export declaration experience. We will cover everything you need to move your goods quickly and without unnecessary delays. Why understand the Ireland Customs Declaration process? Ireland is very important to the international trade landscape. According to a study, “Ireland is the 10th largest source of imports and the fourth largest export market for the UK. This profound trade relationship is highlighted by the fact that Northern Ireland exports 41% of its goods to the Republic of Ireland, a figure that is significantly higher than the UK’s overall 8%.” However, since the UK’s exit from the EU, the landscape of Irish customs has changed dramatically. With the information from this blog, you’ll be able to handle these changes and make sure that your import/export process runs smoothly and legally in 2024. What are customs declarations and why do we need them? A customs declaration is a record that explains to Irish Revenue what products you are importing or exporting from the country. It enables them to determine any necessary duties or taxes by providing information on the kind, value, and origin of the items. Following the correct declaration processes can avoid delays and possible penalties. What do you have to declare at customs in Ireland? Declarations come in two primary categories: Declarations of commerce: Any company that imports or exports goods must have these. In the following situations, a commercial declaration is necessary: You are shipping items to Great Britain (England, Scotland, and Wales) from Ireland. You are bringing products into Ireland from outside the EU.You’re shipping products through Northern Ireland, where Brexit-related regulations apply. Declarations for Travel: These are usually used for carrying personal items when you travel. Cash over €10,000 or products subject to duty or restriction may need to be declared. Major Modifications Implemented in 2024 The following explains the significant modifications to Irish Customs Declarations that were implemented in 2024: New obstacles for Irish goods travelling to the UK There were less strict regulations for goods travelling directly from Ireland to Great Britain prior to January 31st, 2024.   Now, there are more stringent protocols are in effect. The imported or exported goods must be fully declared in customs, including information about origin and duty rates. Compared to the prior system, this may introduce an additional layer of complexity to the process. The changing terrain in Northern Ireland The Customs Declaration Service (CDS) went live in Northern Ireland on March 24, 2024. This implies that companies moving products between the EU, the UK, and Northern Ireland will have to use the new method for their declarations. Businesses used to outdated procedures may need to make some adaptations in order to fully utilise the streamlined, centralised CDS platform. What information do Irish customs declarations require? The following information is needed for a full declaration: EORI Number: All companies engaged in customs operations must have this special identification number. You can apply for an EORI number on the Revenue website. Commodity Code: This code identifies the goods you are declaring. You can use iCustom’s iClassification tool to find the correct code. Source of the Goods: Information about the country that created the products. Worth of the Goods: Declare the products’ value at the time of import or export. Duty Rates: There may be duties associated with the items, depending on where they came from. Use iCustoms’s AI-driven iCalculator to find the right duty and taxes. Essential Records: For some things (like food items), further documents, such as invoices, certificates, or permits, could be required. How to declare goods under Irish customs? The three methods for submitting an Irish Customs Declaration are broken down as follows: Revenue Online Service (ROS) ROS is the most practical choice for a simple declaration. The Irish Revenue provides a user-friendly online system where you can electronically submit all the information required for your items. Customs agent or broker Employing a certified customs agent can save your life, particularly in circumstances where complexity is involved. These experts can manage the complete customs declaration process for you and have an extensive understanding of customs laws using AI-driven Customs Declaration Software (CDS). This frees up time and resources, which can be especially useful for businesses that import or export goods on a regular basis. Declaring in the port Usually, this approach is applied to specialised or infrequent situations. You might be allowed to declare your products right at the port of entry or departure in certain circumstances. It’s crucial to remember that this might not always be possible and that there might be additional paperwork or waiting periods involved. Recommendation for complex scenarios: Getting stuck in customs declaration is quite common, particularly when complex duty calculations and strict trading laws are involved. Thus, it is strongly advised to get expert help from a customs expert if you are unclear about the process; one such platform is iCustoms, which uses AI-driven software to navigate through the whole procedure. With their experience, you can reduce the possibility of shipment delays or problems by ensuring your declaration is correct and comprehensive. Additional things to consider for Irish importers and exporters Tax and duty implications: Determining the accurate amount of taxes and duties on imported goods is essential for successfully passing through Irish customs. In some cases, the Irish Revenue provides some duty relief, so make sure to look into those possibilities. Sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) requirements: Certain goods such as animals, plants, or food items may need special inspections. In this case, make sure you abide by applicable SPS guidelines established by the Department of Agriculture, food, and Marine (DAFM). Penalties for

AIS Explained: A Guide to Ireland’s Automated Import System (2024)

Irelands Automated Import system

AIS Explained: A Guide to Ireland’s Automated Import System (2024) Many businesses deal with importing goods into Ireland. Navigating the customs procedures of Ireland can occasionally be difficult and time-consuming, particularly for novice traders. Piles of paperwork, long delays, and complicated customs declaration procedures hold you back. Thankfully, Ireland’s Automated Import System (AIS) makes the process a lot simpler. Since its introduction in November 2020, the AIS has emerged as the main electronic means of submitting customs declarations. Have you ever spent hours filling out countless forms, only to worry that you may have made a mistake? With the AIS, those concerns are a thing of the past. What research says about automation platforms: Did you know that 94% of businesses carry out labour-intensive, repetitive tasks? This can be a significant drain on productivity, particularly in the international trading sector. Fortunately, automation provides a solution; kissflow studies show that it has improved jobs for 90% of workers while increasing productivity by 66%. This blog serves as a comprehensive guide to understanding and utilising the AIS in 2024. What is an AIS system? When goods are imported from non-EU nations to Ireland, they require electronic delcaration through the Automated Import System of Ireland’s customs authority. The AIS system oversees data processing, validation, customs declaration, and duty accounting. Also, it makes sure that the products are imported legally, saving you from unexpected fines or penalties. Why is the AIS import system important? The significance of AIS cannot be denied, it assists you in the following ways: Increased efficiency: The Automated Import System replaces the requirement for paper-based customs declarations with an automated system, saving you time and resources.   Mistake reduction: When filing customs declarations manually, there is a chance of mistakes. Incorrect information may lead to further investigations, fines, or delays. However, with AIS in place, data is validated prior to submission, guaranteeing an error-free procedure. Cost optimisation: Customs delays may lead to significant hidden costs. You can prevent these expenses by using the AIS, which makes the clearing procedure faster and more effective.   Increased transparency: AIS provides a clear picture of import procedures. With the ability to electronically track the status of your shipment, your company can better allocate the plans ahead. This transparency improves your overall experience, giving you control over your imports. Feeling overwhelmed by the transition to Ireland’s Automated Import System? Ensure smooth data transfer and error-free declarations with iCustoms! Setting up your business to use AIS The secret to a seamless import process in Ireland is the Automated Import System. However, before you get started, let’s discuss how to set up your company to use the AIS efficiently. Choosing an external software provider A lot of businesses provide custom software that is compatible with AIS. This option relieves the pressure of internal development and may be more economical. But be sure to do your homework and pick a reliable supplier that sells software made especially for the AIS. This is when iCustoms becomes useful! We at iCustoms are committed to making customs procedures easier for companies just like yours. We provide a powerful and intuitive AIS-compatible software system that will simplify your Irish imports. If you choose the customs agent: If you decide to entrust the customs agent with handling your import documentation, make sure their software syncs with the AIS. This will eliminate possible data inconsistencies and ensure smooth communication. Here comes the customs declaration software of iCustoms for customs brokers, which makes sure that it can easily integrate with your system, providing you a seamless trading experience. Why choose iCustoms as your partner for the Automated Import System? Design for AIS: Our software was created to interact with the Automated Import System in a seamless manner, guaranteeing smooth data transfer and effective processing. AI-powered accuracy: iCustoms reduces the possibility of mistakes in your customs declarations by using cutting-edge AI technology. User-friendly design: Even for people who are not familiar with customs procedures, navigating the AIS is a snap because of our user-friendly design. All-inclusive assistance: From setup to continuous assistance, our committed team of professionals is ready to help you at every turn. Tired of import delays and rising costs eating into your profits? Reduce errors, save time, and gain complete transparency in your shipments with iCustoms’ comprehensive solution. How iCustoms can benefit you: Cust costs: You can save a lot of money and time by doing away with the need for internal software development and training. Boost efficiency: Our intuitive software and accuracy driven by AI will help you streamline your import procedure. Reduce time spent: Using our integrated validation capabilities, you can steer clear of mistakes and any delays at customs. Get peace of mind: You may relax knowing that you have a trustworthy ally at your side to guide you confidently through the AIS. Takeaways The Automated Import System (AIS) has transformed the import process in Ireland. By employing this easily navigable electronic system, businesses may guarantee a seamless and effective cross-border movement of commodities. Businesses can have a thorough understanding of the AIS and its features by utilising the data offered by Revenue, which will speed up clearances and save expenses. Ready to simplify imports into Ireland? Make iCustoms your reliable partner. To assist businesses in navigating the AIS and guarantee a seamless import procedure, we provide a range of services. To find out more about how we can help you save time and money on your imports, get in touch with us right now. Unleash the Power of Streamlined AIS Imports! Get Your Free iCustoms Demo Today FAQs What does the AIS do? The AIS (Automated Import System) handles data processing, validation, clearance of import declarations, and duty calculation. How to import goods to Ireland? When importing goods from a non-EU nation to an EU nation, you will require an EORI number, which is needed before clearing customs. Additionally, you must submit an electronic declaration to Irish customs via Customs Declaration Software (CDS). What are the rules

Automate CN22 and CN23 Customs Declarations with iCustoms

CN22 and CN23 customs form automation

Automate CN22 and CN23 Customs Declarations with iCustoms International trading rules and regulations can be very stressful for importers and exporters, particularly when it comes to customs declarations, i.e., CN22 and CN23. These forms are required when shipments are crossing borders to ensure they align with customs rules and pay the accurate amount of taxes and duties. Manual customs declarations consume a lot of time and pose a number of error risks, which may lead to shipment delays or penalties. This becomes especially problematic as the volume of international trade rises. Several studies demonstrate how, over time, international trade has gradually increased. For instance, a survey conducted by the OECD shows that, “Imports and exports have increased by 1.3% and 1.6%, respectively, in quarter 4 of 2023 compared to the previous quarter.” This growing volume of international trade further aggravates the difficulties of manual customs declarations and causes more bottlenecks. This can only be overcome by replacing the conventional system with a modern AI-driven customs declaration system. Before we get started with customs automation, we need to understand what CN22 and CN23 customs declarations are and how they differ from one another. What are CN22 or CN23 customs declarations? CN22 and CN23 are required customs forms for international shipping. These documents include the following information about the shipment: The goods type Goods value Carrier information Receiver information Destination country Customs authorities use these forms to keep track of all the goods entering and exiting the country to ensure environmental protection, border security, and proper taxation. Furthermore, these forms also ensure that customs duties and taxes are paid for the goods you are shipping. In case of wrong or missing information on CN22 and CN23 forms, you may end up with fines, penalties or even shipment seizure. Difference between CN22 and CN23 It can be overwhelming to decide between CN22 and CN23, particularly for a novice trader. However, the difference between both is very simple; it depends on the weight and value of the parcel. Here’s how you can decide which form to choose for your shipment: CN22 It is required if your parcel is under 2 kg and is worth up to £270. CN23 It is required if your parcel weighs more than 2 kg and is worth more than £270. When do you use CN22 and CN23 customs declarations? You need to use CN22 and CN23 customs declarations each time you ship a parcel outside the European Union border to a country not subject to free trade agreements. When sending and receiving goods within EU states, CN22 and CN23 customs forms are not required. However, you need these forms in the following cases: When shipping goods to an EU nation’s overseas region, such as Melilla and Ceuta, that is a member of the EU but not the Customs Union.   When shipping goods to EU countries’ overseas regions, such as the Canary Islands, that are members of the Customs Union and EU but have different VAT regulations. Information required for CN22 and CN23 customs declaration forms It is essential to fill out the following mandatory fields in the customs forms: Name and address of the sender Type and accurate description of goods Weight, value, and quantity of each good Total weight, value, and quantity Country of origin VAT registered number of EORI HS tariff number Sender’s signature Name and address of the recipient Automating CN22 and CN23 customs declaration Completing CN22 and CN23 manually is very tedious and might be mistake-prone, resulting in fines, delays, or even seized shipments. To tackle these issues, iCustoms has developed AI-driven Customs Declaration Software (CDS) that automates these processes. Here’s how iCustoms’ CDS automates CN22 and CN23 declarations 1. Integration of data Our CDS captures real-time data and relevant information, such as product descriptions, sender and recipient names and addresses, weights, and quantities, and directly routes it to customs documents. It enhances productivity and reduces manual work, particularly when you have bulk shipments. 2. Selecting the correct form to utilise The CDS automatically calculates if a CN22 or CN23 form is needed based on the pre-populated shipment weight and value from your integrated platform. 3. Automated population: Completing the form electronically The relevant fields on the related CN22 or CN23 form inside your CDS are automatically filled in with the pre-populated data from your integrated systems. This comprises: Information about the sender and recipient (names, phone numbers, addresses) Descriptions of the goodsTotal numbers of goods being transported Weight of the shipment Value of the shipment 4. Classifying your goods with HS code lookup As per the WCO, “More than 98% of the goods are classified according to the harmonised system in international trade.” iCustoms’ sophisticated tool, i.e., iClassification, automatically provides the correct HS code for the goods, eliminating the hassle of manually finding the accurate code. 5. Before sending, review and submit the final checks Even though automation handles the majority of the work, iCustoms involves a human-in-the-loop factor to carefully check the pre-filled data before electronically submitting the CN22 or CN23. This ensures accuracy and removes any discrepancies. Benefits of automated CN22 and CN23 customs declarations Enhanced efficiency: Integrate CDS with your current shipping software to automate data entry. In the customs forms, data such as values, item descriptions, and sender/receiver addresses can be automatically filled in.   Decreased errors: By utilising automation, you may do away with human data entering mistakes. This guarantees precise and consistent data for your customs declarations.   Faster processing: Customs officials frequently process electronically submitted declarations through CDS more quickly than they do paper forms.   Compliance assurance: By ensuring that your declarations adhere to the most recent rules, CDS can significantly lower the possibility of encountering customs-related problems. Takeaways Simplify your international shipping by automating CN22 and CN23 declarations with CDS, and reduce the chance of mistakes and delays. You can concentrate on expanding your business while letting our CDS handle quick and legal customs clearance for your global shipments. By integrating iCustoms’ CDS

How to Choose the Best Import Export Management Software for Your Business

Choose the Best Import Export Management Software for Your Business

How to Choose the Best Import Export Management Software for Your Business The international trading world is undergoing digital revolutions, and the involvement of import/export management software is increasing day by day. This software increases efficiency, streamlines processes, and enables businesses to make data-driven decisions. A recent study by Verified Market Reports estimated that “The Business Management Software (import/export management software) industry would only be worth USD 0.100 billion in 2023. But that’s only the start. According to the same estimate, the industry would increase at an astounding rate and reach a stunning USD 266 billion by the end of 2030. This represents a 15% Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) and a surprising move in the direction of software-driven business management.” This study highlights the importance of import/export management software for the trading industry. The right import-export management software for your business can greatly impact your logistics career. Whether you are an importer, exporter, customs broker, freight broker, retailer, or manufacturer, a software solution will be required to manage customs documents, shipments, duties and taxes, and compliance. Choosing the software that best aligns with your business needs may be challenging. However, keep your worries aside; we are here to equip you with the best tips to help you choose the best one. 5 factors to consider when choosing import export management software The following factors will help you choose the best import and export software for your business: Assess your business requirements Each trade management software product has a distinct set of features tailored to address specific issues. Consequently, put your company’s objectives in writing so that you can select the software that best suits your needs. Before you begin looking for import export management software, you should have a clear understanding of what your company requires. Consider the following inquiries: Determine your goals, objectives, and expectations Does your business carry out imports, exports or both List down the challenges you face in trading and customs declarations operations What functions and features do you need the most Define your security and scalability requirements These questions will help you prioritise your criteria and narrow down your questions. Ease of use and change management Incorporating a new software solution in the business setup should not complicate the existing things for everyone involved in the organisation. Out-dated softwares often requires more manual work and training, which renders it difficult to integrate into the current system. However, modern AI-powered customs declaration and management software, like one provided by iCustoms, have such built-in features that make migrating easier and smoother. While choosing the new import-export management software, consider the following questions to determine its ease of use: Is the new import management software easy to learn and intuitive? How long will it take for your employees to understand, learn, and use new software? To make the right decisions, we highly recommend booking a demo with us and getting a guided tour of our software. Moreover, you’ll also get the opportunity to talk to our experts and ask about the above questions and any other queries you may have. Features Keep the following features in mind while choosing the trade management solution: Landed cost calculation and tracking This feature helps you calculate customs duties, taxes, and other relevant costs with exceptional accuracy, saving you from any unexpected fines and penalties. Thus, it is an essential feature to consider in your import and export ERP software. iCustoms, a leading customs declarations software, offers a specialised feature, “iCalculator,” particularly dedicated to calculating taxes and duties. Compliance management Failing to comply with the import and export regulations defined by HMRC may lead to delays, fines, and even freight holding. Hence, choose software that automates customs processes to stay in compliance with the updated customs rules and regulations. Customs Declaration Software by iCustoms guarantees adherence to international trade’s continuously evolving regulatory requirements, making trading a breeze for importers and exporters. Real-time visibility Tracking the movement of your products from origin to destination allows for improved communication with clients and proactive problem-solving. iCustoms provides real-time visibility that transforms and revolutionises the management and optimisation of the supply chain by providing people with the status of their shipments. Flexibility and scalability The majority of trading firms need a variety of tools to manage various business divisions. Traders frequently collaborate with supply chain associates, clients, and partners to exchange crucial data and information. In order to assist you in automating processes, eliminating repetitive tasks, and developing your business without increasing your manual workload, it is crucial that your software be simple to link with your other tools. You ought to think about the following: Are there built-in integrations between the software and the tools you use? Does the software offer a properly documented application programming interface (API) that can be integrated with any system, including old back-end systems, TMS, and ERP systems? Pricing You should be well-versed in the benefits that software can offer your company before assessing its price. Price shouldn’t be the primary factor to consider; prioritise other factors, such as it should increase revenue and/or save money for your company by increasing sales and revenue or by saving you time and reducing operating expenses. Consider the following questions: Does the software provider offer a free demo?Is the pricing customisable? Is the software transactional-based, or does it require a subscription? iCustoms provides exceptional transparency when it comes to pricing. You can also get a free demo to test our services and customise the price according to your needs. Takeaways Traders may find it challenging to choose the right import-export management software due to the many solutions available on the market. It is always best to do research, assess your business needs, and check the features, scalability, flexibility, and pricing before making the final decision. Select the one that meets all of these specifications, like iCustoms; it is one of its kind, providing users with the utmost precision, unparalleled performance, and trustworthy outcomes. To test it out, book a demo right

iCustoms launched the smart AI Import Control System 2 (ICS2) Compliance Platform

ICS2 Release

iCustoms launched the smart AI Import Control System 2 (ICS2) Compliance Platform All business entities based outside of the EU that transport products into or through the EU by air must adhere to Import Control System 2 as of March 1, 2023. (ICS2). This will be extended to encompass trade by rail, road, and marine transportation on March 1, 2024.   For enterprises to successfully comply with ICS2, iCustoms has introduced its AI Customs Software Solution, ensuring the convenience of cross-border trade. What iCustoms is able to provide with ICS2 launch? The iCustoms ICS2 platform will be able to perform the following to offer a seamless experience to the end-user and simple cross-border trade: Identify controlled and restricted items Calculate taxes and tariffs Find quarantine needs Find license and permit requirements Find HS6 codes for any product Integrate with a variety of systems. To learn more about ICS2 click here To read details about the product and launch click here About iCustoms iCustoms is an all-in-one solution helping businesses automate customs processes more efficiently. With AI-powered and machine-learning capabilities, iCustoms is designed to streamline your all customs procedures in a few minutes, cut additional costs and save time. Start Now Solutions Customs Agents Traders Couriers Products Import Export Classification Intelligent Document Processing Customs Audit Landed Cost Calculation Restricted Screening

Are you ready for Import Control System Release 2?

Import Control System Release 2

Essentials of Import Control System (ICS2) and Its Impact on International Trade An import control system is a comprehensive framework of policies, procedures, and regulations employed by a government or any other entity to administer importing commodities into a particular country or region effectively.    Adherence to international trade agreements, protection of domestic industries, and assurance of the quality and safety of imported products are the fundamental aims of this initiative. Significance of ICS An import control system is a framework of laws, procedures, and legislation that a government or other organisation applies to manage and verify the importation of commodities for a specific country or region.   An import control system may also be called an import administrative program. Its main goals are to protect domestic industries, ensure import quality, and comply with international trade agreements.   This system helps oversee and control the flow of goods entering a particular area, to balance commercial interests and compliance with regulatory requirements.   ICS2 stands for Import Control System Release 2 (ICS release 2). iCustoms has introduced its AI Customs Software Solution for businesses to comply with ICS2, ensuring ease of cross-border trade effectively. What you need to know about the Import Control System (ICS2)? If you are going to trade with the EU, you must comply with the ICS2 requirements. Economic Operators (EOs) must submit Entry Summary Declarations to ICS2 with safety and security data (ENS).    Not all EOs will be required to begin filing these declarations simultaneously. It is related to the three release dates of ICS2 and will depend on the services they offer in the global movement of goods (15 March 2021, 1 March 2023, and 1 March 2024).    In addition to pre-loading filing requirements, all goods transported by air in postal, express, and general cargo consignments will be subject to full pre-arrival ENS data requirements.   Businesses trading with the EU must now comply with the ICS2 requirements. Economic Operators (EOs) must submit Entry Summary Declarations to ICS2 with safety and security data (ENS).   As of the 1st March 2023, all economic operators outside the EU that move goods to or via the European Union by air must comply with Import Control System 2 (ICS2). On March 1, 2024, this will be expanded to include trade via sea, road, and rail transportation. Compliance factors & requirements of Import Control System Release 2 Before using ICS2, some essential factors should be considered, such as:   Goods classification:  The Harmonised System (HS) code used to classify imported goods must be used precisely. Tariffs and taxes specific to these goods are identified using this code.    Compliance with rules:  Health, safety, and environmental issues are only a few of the many areas European Union legislation covers when importing goods. In some cases, this may necessitate completing a certification program or achieving a set level of performance.   Conditions for confinement: The European Union may impose quarantine laws on imported products to protect European agriculture and the environment.   Restricted goods: It is against the law to bring some things into Europe, such as illegal narcotics, weapons, and certain risky chemicals.   Tariffs and taxes:  Before customs release, imported goods may incur customs duties and taxes.  Goods are subject to customs duties and taxes, and one needs to pay it before releasing them.   Paperwork:  Documentation is an essential component in customs clearance. Import documentation, if not done correctly, causes delays, rejections and other problems.   Necessary Authorisations and licenses: Some goods, such as pharmaceuticals, weapons, and hazardous materials, require a license or permit for import into Europe. What controls apply to the Import Control System? Tariffs, quotas, licenses, and bans are just some ways to control imports. Tariffs, in particular, are taxes that are put on goods that are brought into the country.    This protects domestic businesses by making imported goods more expensive. Import quotas limit product quantities. This policy can protect domestic industry or ensure product availability to fulfil demand.   Importers are required to obtain government authorisation before bringing certain items into the country, as this is a requirement of licensing. However, bans limit the importation of specific products for safety or other legitimate reasons.   The EU ICS2 has brought requirements to be fulfilled to make trade safe and secure. The world of customs clearance is now in a fast-paced revolution phase, that’s why release two of the import control system is also known as ICS2 customs. The implementation of Import Control System (ICS2) Depending on the nature of the import commodities and the importing country or region, Import control systems apply at the national, regional, or local levels. Notably, ICS2 released on March 1, 2023.   Import controls also regulate the export of goods from a country or region. Due to its continuous trade with Europe, the UK is known for implementing ICS2. Traders also check it out as ICS2 UK requirements.   Overall, ensuring that all imported goods comply with the relevant laws and regulations is essential to avoid delays, fines, or other penalties.   If you want to know more about ICS2 launched by iCustoms, read here.   So get your journey started and book a demo.   And your questions are welcomed at You may also like: 28 March 2024 iCustoms Board Member Series – Adnan Zaheer Read More 28 March 2024 Future of Customs: The Role of AI in Border Security Read More 27 March 2024 iCustoms.AI Raises $2.2 Million to Revolutionise Trade Compliance with AI Read More 22 March 2024 Streamline Logistics Operations with iCustoms Document workflow automation Read More 21 March 2024 5 Reasons Every Global Trader Needs Workflow Automation Read More Master Imports with iCustoms CDS Seamlessly Conquer Import Control System Release 2 Explore iCDS Import About iCustoms iCustoms is an all-in-one solution helping businesses automate customs processes more efficiently. With AI-powered and machine-learning capabilities, iCustoms is designed to streamline your all customs procedures in a few minutes, cut additional costs and

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