
EU Customs Overhaul Landmark Vote Paves the Way for Trade Efficiency

EU Customs Overhaul Landmark Vote Paves the Way for Trade Efficiency The Internal Market Committee made history yesterday with its adoption of the EU Customs Code reform, marking the largest overhaul of EU customs procedures since 1968. The proposed reform aims to alleviate the mounting pressure on customs authorities, particularly with the surge in e-commerce… Continue reading EU Customs Overhaul Landmark Vote Paves the Way for Trade Efficiency

5 top CDS import softwares for Retailers & Manufacturers

The role of CDS (Customs Declaration Service) import software in contemporary trade cannot be overstated since it is essential to expediting and enhancing the import procedure. This software makes it easier to communicate with customs officials, helps you comply with constantly changing regulations, and makes the complicated paperwork needed for imports easier to understand.

The CDS import software becomes an indispensable tool for businesses navigating the complex world of international trade. It improves the speed and accuracy of customs declarations while also boosting operational efficiency and regulatory compliance.

In this blog, we examine the different aspects of the top 5 CDS import software, including its features, advantages, and revolutionary influence on modern import declarations.

What is CDS Import Software?

CDS refers to the Customs Declaration Software, it is a digital platform used to file import declarations electronically. Gone are the days of mountains of paper forms; CDS streamlines the process, allowing importers to:

  • Submit declarations remotely, saving time and resources.
  • Enter detailed information about shipments, including goods descriptions, origin, value, and tariff codes.
  • Attach supporting documents electronically.
  • Calculate duties and taxes due.
  • Track the status of declarations and shipments.

CDS: A Bridge Between Trade and Security:

Ultimately, CDS import software represents a powerful tool for enhancing both trade efficiency and border security. By embracing its capabilities and staying informed about its evolution, customs officers can streamline cargo clearance, ensure compliance, and contribute to a thriving global trade environment.

Top Five cds import Software

In the world of international trade, the efficient and accurate processing of import declarations stands as a cornerstone for both commercial facilitation and border security. This role is increasingly fulfilled by Customs Declaration Service (CDS) software, digital platforms enabling the electronic submission of such declarations. Recognising the importance of navigating this complex landscape, we present a comparative analysis of five prominent CDS custom platforms globally:

1. iCustoms

iCustoms CDS import software is designed to transform your UK import process by offering a comprehensive suite of automation tools, compliance features, and data-driven insights. Let’s delve into the key attributes that set it apart:

1.1. Automated Customs Declarations

  • Effortless Form Generation: Say goodbye to tedious data entry! iCustoms pre-populates essential fields based on your product information and trade agreements. You only need to confirm or adjust details, significantly reducing the risk of errors and omissions.
  • Direct HMRC Integration: Ditch the paper mountains and manual uploads. iCustoms seamlessly integrates with the UK’s HMRC CDS system, sending your declarations electronically for faster processing and real-time status updates.
  • Multiple Declaration Types: Whether you’re dealing with standard imports, simplified procedures, or special regimes, iCustoms offers flexible templates to ensure compliance with specific regulations.

1.2. Duty & VAT Calculation

  • Accuracy Guaranteed: Eliminate guesswork and potential fines. iCustoms uses the latest duty rates, exchange rates, and trade agreements to calculate your landed costs with pinpoint accuracy, including duties, VAT, and any additional fees.
  • Detailed Breakdown: Gain clarity beyond just the final numbers. iCustoms provides a comprehensive breakdown of each cost component, empowering you to optimise your pricing and trade strategies.
  • Proactive Risk Management: Identify potential duty challenges upfront. iCustoms flags potential tariff classifications and duty exemptions, allowing you to make informed decisions and explore cost-saving alternatives before submitting your declaration.

1.3. Automated Customs Declarations3. Compliance & Validation

  • Built-in Rule Engine: Rest assured knowing you’re playing by the rules. iCustoms’ extensive rule engine automatically checks your declarations against thousands of UK customs regulations and trade agreements, highlighting any potential compliance issues before submission.
  • Data Error Prevention: Minimise the risk of delays and rejections. iCustoms automatically validates your data format and identifies inconsistent or missing information, ensuring your declarations are complete and error-free.
  • Pre-Clearance Confidence: Achieve peace of mind before your goods even reach the border. iCustoms’ compliance checks significantly reduce the chance of post-clearance audits and penalties, allowing you to focus on your business.

1.4. Trade Documentation Management

  • Paperless Perfection: A digital workflow will replace filing cabinets, so say goodbye to them. iCustoms eliminates the need for human data entry by automatically capturing data from your packing lists, invoices, and certificates of origin. This will save you time and valuable resources.
  • Automated Document Routing: No more headaches obtaining approvals and signatures. iCustoms improves document workflows by automatically routing papers for internal review and authorisation in accordance with pre-established norms. This guarantees a smooth and effective procedure without the requirement for further follow-ups.
  • Centralised Document Repository: Access all your trade documents in one convenient location. iCustoms provides a secure and organised cloud repository for all your import-related documents, simplifying retrieval and record-keeping.

2. Deloitte

The following are the key features of declaration software:

  • Compliance with EU customs code: CDS adheres to the new EU customs requirements outlined in the Union Customs Code.
  • Free access to declaration data: Businesses can access their submitted CDS declarations for free, unlike CHIEF which charged for downloading data.
  • Cost reduction: Eliminates the download fees associated with accessing declaration data on CHIEF, potentially reducing costs for businesses.
  • Early access and practice: Businesses can practice using CDS and familiarise themselves with the platform through HMRC’s Trader Dress Rehearsal service before the full transition.

3. Descartes

  • Solution with ABI approval: With ABI approval, Descartes’ solution meets U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s criteria for electronic data interchange.
  • Streamlined customs entry process: It helps to simplify and automate the procedure of entering customs, which also lowers the risk of errors and saves your time.
  • Improved accuracy and productivity: Customs brokers and self-filing importers benefit from more accurate customs declarations.
  • Automated data checks: By automatically verifying data for mistakes and discrepancies, it lessens the possibility of costly delays and fines.

4. Customs4trade

Key features of CAS Declarations, as summarised from the provided website:

  • Automated filing: CAS Declarations automate the submission of customs declarations for imports, exports, and transit, potentially leading to time savings and decreased errors compared to manual filing.
  • Multi-country support: It caters to diverse declaration types across numerous countries, making it well-suited for businesses engaged in international operations.
  • Faster clearance: Automating processes can result in decreased shipment lead times, potentially enhancing overall efficiency and responsiveness.
  • Enhanced accuracy and compliance: Reduced shipment lead times from automated operations may improve overall responsiveness and efficiency.

5. Hurricane

The following are the key features of CDS:

  • Data Enhancement: Hurricanes act as a “data highway” for postal operators and others involved in cross-border shipping. They enhance shipping data by incorporating details such as address verification, commodity classification, and identification of prohibited/restricted goods.
  • Duty and Tax Calculations: Hurricane’s solutions deliver instantaneous calculations of duties and taxes for cross-border shipments, guaranteeing precise estimations and seamless customs clearance.
  • Prohibited & Restricted Goods Screening: They provide automated screening of shipments against country-specific lists of prohibited or restricted goods, averting potential violations and delays.
  • Denied Parties Screening: In order to ensure compliance and reduce risks, it accesses global denied party lists to identify individuals or organisations with which transactions are forbidden.

Benefits for manufacturers and retailers

Moving to CDS import software offers manufacturers and merchants a contemporary platform as well as numerous benefits that can enhance productivity, maximise expenses, and disclose untapped growth prospects. Let’s delve deeper into the advantages for each category:

For Manufacturers:

1.1. Streamlined Workflow and Reduced Errors

CDS’s intuitive interface minimises the complexity of customs declarations, leading to:

  • Automated processes and pre-populated fields drastically cut down on form-filling time.
  • Preventing human error by decreasing the quantity of manual inputs speeds up the clearance procedure.
  • Eliminating or drastically reducing the need for human intervention streamlines the clearance process and makes human mistakes less likely to occur.

1.2. Faster Clearance and Lower Inventory Costs

The expedited customs process with CDS translates to

  • Goods reach production lines faster, reducing inventory waiting times and associated carrying costs.
  • Predictable clearance times enable better scheduling and resource allocation.
  • Quick turnaround times allow manufacturers to adapt to market demands more efficiently.

1.3. Enhanced Transparency and Control

Real-time tracking of shipments through CDS provides unparalleled visibility, including

  • Early identification of possible obstacles minimises delays by enabling quicker corrective action.
  • Manufacturers may make strategic decisions about logistics and inventory management with the use of real-time data.
  • Transparency and improved communication promote stronger cooperation with foreign partners.

1.4. Cost Savings and Competitive Edge

CDS offers several cost-cutting advantages

  • Elimination of paper forms saves on printing, postage, and storage costs.
  • No more download fees for declaration data further decreases operating expenses.
  • Streamlined processes and accurate data minimise the risk of fines and penalties.
  • Faster clearance and lower costs lead to competitive pricing and improved market position.

1.5. Duty Drawback and Traceability Advantages

CDS simplifies specific processes:

  • Free import tariffs on materials used in exported finished items are easily refundable to manufacturers.
  • Improved import material tracking makes traceability laws easier to follow.

For Retailers

1.1. Smoother Supply Chain and Reduced Delays

Faster customs clearance through CDS leads to the following:

  • Quicker availability of goods on shelves minimises lost sales and customer frustration.
  • Customers are happier and more likely to return when there are shorter wait periods for requested products.
  • Ability to launch new items fast in response to changes in consumer demand.

1.2. Global Sourcing Opportunities and Cost Optimisation

CDS simplify international sourcing:

  • Access to a larger pool of international suppliers offering potentially lower prices or unique products.
  • Easier supplier change in response to shifting demands and market dynamics.
  • Possibility of reduced costs in sourcing because of heightened competition and availability of new markets.

1.3. Risk Mitigation and Business Continuity

CDS’s data accuracy and transparency contribute to:

  • Imported items are better tracked, which makes it easier to spot possible safety concerns quickly.
  • Automated procedures and accurate data reduce the possibility of non-compliance fines.
  • Consistent adherence to regulations builds trust and loyalty with customers.

1.4. Scalability and Future-Proofing

CDS is designed to grow with your business:

  • The platform can handle larger import volumes as your business expands.
  • CDS seamlessly integrates with existing WMS and ERP systems, ensuring smooth data flow.
  • Constant upgrades and updates ensure compliance with evolving regulations and industry standards.

Choosing the right software/ icustoms?

Choosing the right cds import software icustoms?

Automation for Efficiency

  • From creating declarations to tracking shipments and handling duty payments, iCustoms streamlines the whole customs clearance procedure. This streamlines operations, gets rid of paperwork, and minimises manual data entry.
  • By automating repetitive tasks, your team can focus on more strategic initiatives, boosting productivity and overall efficiency.
  • The automation lowers the possibility of human error, guaranteeing more precise assertions and adherence to rules.

Accuracy and Compliance

  • iCustoms stays updated with the latest rules and guidelines, guiding you through complex tariff codes, commodity classifications, and origin requirements. It minimises the risk of delays, penalties, and potential legal issues.
  • iCustoms seamlessly connects with the UK’s Customs Declaration Service, facilitating accurate and efficient communication with customs authorities.

Direct Connectivity

  • By integrating with other systems, iCustoms streamlines data entry, which in turn reduces human error and improves communication with customs officials. That way, declarations can be sent in without a hitch, status updates can be received promptly, and questions may be answered quickly.
  • Information flows seamlessly between your systems and CDS, keeping you informed of any changes or requirements, fostering proactive decision-making and timely responses.

Error Prevention and Guidance

  • Even people with little experience with customs can confidently manage the process with the help of iCustoms’ straightforward instructions written in simple language.
  • Getting access to customer support guarantees helps with technological problems or updates related to regulations, offering continuous direction and assurance.

User-Friendly Interface

  • The iCustoms interface features intuitive menus, sensible workflows, and useful hints to make it easy to use. This minimises team member irritation, speeds up user acceptance, and cuts down on training time.
  • The software is adaptable to user preferences and particular company requirements, guaranteeing a customised experience and effective workflows.

Comprehensive Tracking and Reporting

  • Follow the progress of shipments from the point of departure through customs clearance and ultimate delivery. It facilitates proactive decision-making, prompt intervention in the event of delays, and enhanced visibility throughout the supply chain.
  • Gain access to extensive information on declarations, duty payments, and any interactions with regulations. This information will help you make well-informed decisions, optimise your operations, and pinpoint areas that need development.


In conclusion, Customs Declaration Software (CDS) is indispensable for manufacturers and retailers navigating global trade complexities. Among the top options—iCustoms, streamlines workflows, ensures compliance, and provides benefits like faster clearance, cost savings, and duty drawback advantages.

Manufacturers benefit from simpler processes, quicker clearance, lower costs, and improved traceability thanks to CDS. Retailers benefit from streamlined supply chains, fewer delays, chances for international sourcing, and risk reduction. Both benefit from scalability and future-proofing.

Ready to transform your CDS import process? Book your demo today!


What is a CDS import software?

A solution designed specifically for importing and managing data for Customs Data Systems is called CDS import software. It facilitates the efficient administration of declarations for regulatory compliance and customs procedures by streamlining the process of importing and organising customs-related data from various sources.

What is the difference between CDS and Chief?

CDS (Customs Data System) is the modernised UK customs declaration system that replaced the previous CHIEF (Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight) system. CDS is intended for complete customs management, whereas CHIEF is primarily used to process customs declarations for imports and exports.

Do importers need to register for CDS?

Yes, importers in the United Kingdom need to register for CDS (Customs Data System) to submit customs declarations and comply with customs regulations. CDS is the modernised customs declaration system, and registration is necessary for efficient import and export processes.

What is a CDS import platform?

A CDS import platform is software that helps manage and process customs-related data for imports, ensuring compliance with regulations in Customs Data Systems (CDS).

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About iCustoms

iCustoms is an all-in-one solution helping businesses automate customs processes more efficiently. With AI-powered and machine-learning capabilities, iCustoms is designed to streamline your all customs procedures in a few minutes, cut additional costs and save time.


Master Imports with iCustoms CDS

Intelligent Document Automation

Seamlessly Conquer Import Control System Release 2

Final Countdown: Streamline Export Declarations with iCustoms as CDS Deadline Approaches

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Struggling with Legacy Customs Systems? Choose iCustoms IDP Software

Customs declaration procedures are essential to the seamless movement of products across borders in the dynamic world of international trade. However, many businesses still struggle with outdated legacy systems that impede productivity and legal compliance. The solution is IDP software, a cutting-edge technology that will transform customs declaration and expedite the entire procedure.

According to Altex Soft, a report that found the US Federal government spent 80% of its IT budget on operations and maintenance, mostly for legacy systems. Thus, it is essential to choose modern AI-driven software to reduce business operational costs.

Problems of legacy systems for customs declarations

In the context of customs declaration procedures, legacy systems present a variety of complex challenges that affect several facets of global trade. Here’s a more thorough breakdown of these challenges:

1.1. Outdated technology

Customs declaration legacy systems frequently use outdated infrastructure and technology. Although these systems were innovative when they were first put into place, technology has now advanced beyond their limits. These systems struggle to interface with contemporary platforms, tools, and data formats—all necessary for effective and flexible customs procedures—because of their outdated technology.

1.2. Ineffectiveness and Delays

The legacy systems that were used for customs declaration have outdated designs, which often result in slow performance when handling enormous amounts of data. This sluggish performance consumes more time, leading to delays in customs operations. These delays can disrupt supply chains and pose the risk of potential fines due to non-compliance issues.

1.3. Problems with compliance

Customs systems must quickly adjust to changes in compliance requirements due to the dynamic nature of international trade legislation. The flexibility to easily integrate updates and changes to regulatory frameworks is sometimes lacking in legacy systems. This raises the possibility of non-compliance, putting businesses at risk of fines, penalties, and possible halts to trade activities.

1.4. Limited ability to process data

Outdated systems could find it difficult to manage the increasing amount and intricacy of information linked to customs declarations. These systems’ capacity to process data may be limited as the volume of information needed for precise customs processing rises. This restriction may cause mistakes, inconsistencies, and inefficiencies in customs declarations.

1.5. Lack of integration

Integration with several systems is necessary for modern customs procedures, including those utilised by business partners, government organisations, and logistical suppliers. Legacy systems frequently lack the essential interfaces and interoperability to connect with external systems seamlessly. This lack of integration lowers overall efficiency by impeding the efficient flow of information throughout the whole supply chain.

1.6. Reliance on manual procedures

Lots of those old systems need people to enter and process data manually, which takes a ton of time and opens the door to human mistakes. Depending on manual work not only makes things slower but also makes it way more likely for errors to sneak into customs declarations. It’s like doing things the hard way when there’s an easier, more reliable way around. Reducing the need for manual labour and improving accuracy requires process automation software like IDP.

1.7. Security issues

Old systems might not have strong security, so your important customs data could be at risk from cyber threats. As cyber risks grow, these outdated systems become more vulnerable to attacks, putting the safety of your customs info in jeopardy. It’s like having an old lock on your door when better, more secure options are available.

How does iCustoms IDP software address these challenges?

How does iCustoms IDP software address these challenges?

The problems with legacy systems in customs declaration procedures can be transformed with the use of iCustoms intelligent data processing (IDP) software. This is a thorough explanation of how the intelligent automation software of iCustoms addresses these issues in an efficient manner:

2.1. Innovative technology

Our power automation IDP software makes use of cutting-edge technology like machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI). Through this approach, it guarantees that customs procedures remain at the forefront of technological innovation. This eliminates the drawbacks of outdated technology found in legacy systems and permits seamless connection with contemporary tools and platforms.

2.2. Effectiveness and velocity

The document automation tool by iCustoms is made to be quick and efficient. Routine customs declaration operations are streamlined by automation and the use of advanced algorithms. This addresses the inefficiencies and delays associated with legacy systems, not only cutting processing times but also improving the overall efficiency of the customs declaration process.

2.3. Improved data processing

IDP software is designed to effectively manage massive amounts of data. Its sophisticated data processing powers make it possible to handle complicated customs declaration data with ease, which lowers the possibility of mistakes. The precision of data processing guarantees the dependability of customs declarations, reducing the possibility of errors that might arise from inadequate data processing powers in outdated systems.

2.4. Integration with contemporary systems

The powerful integration software by iCustoms is made to work effortlessly with several contemporary technologies that are employed in the global supply chain. IDP enables seamless data sharing among trading partner systems, government databases, and logistics platforms. This connection overcomes the constraints posed by older systems, resulting in a more integrated and collaborative customs declaration procedure.

2.5. Automating manual processes

The use of iCustoms document automation software greatly lessens reliance on manual procedures. Tasks that once required human data entry and processing are simplified by automation, increasing productivity and accuracy. In addition to saving time, this reduces the possibility of human mistakes that come with managing data by hand.

2.6. Strengthened security protocols

One of the main concerns for IDP software is security. To protect data connected to customs, strong security measures are put in place, such as encryption, safe data storage, and real-time threat monitoring. This guarantees the integrity and confidentiality of critical data while resolving security issues related to outdated systems.

iCustoms - Your best IDP software partner

Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) is a modern innovation that uses machine learning and artificial intelligence to automate and simplify the operations of customs documents.

When it comes to choosing the best intelligent document processing software, iCustoms come at the top of the list. It offers a potent software program that transforms document processing for efficient trade processes. To ensure accuracy and dependability, iCustoms incorporates advanced AI and machine learning algorithms to automate difficult trade paperwork procedures.


What are IDP software and its role in customs?

IDP software automates document operations with the use of AI and machine learning. It effectively gathers, sorts, and processes data from a variety of documents in customs, cutting down on mistakes and manual labour.

What is IDP processing in trade compliance?

In trade compliance, IDP processing entails automatically extracting and analysing information from trade papers. It guarantees compliance with legal standards, expedites compliance processes, and lowers the possibility of mistakes brought on by manual document processing.

How does IDP automate customs procedures?

IDP uses complex algorithms to tackle difficult document processing tasks, automating customs procedures. It expedites the data extraction and classification process, improving operational efficiency at customs and facilitating faster, more precise customs processes.

How can IDP increase trade effectiveness?

By automating document procedures, IDP speeds up the extraction and processing of information. This reduces the amount of manual labour required and guarantees quick and accurate customs processes for increased trade efficiency.

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Struggling to Extract, Catagorise & Validate Your Documents?

Intelligent Document Automation

Capture & Upload Data in Seconds with AI & Machine Learning

About iCustoms

iCustoms is an all-in-one solution helping businesses automate customs processes more efficiently. With AI-powered and machine-learning capabilities, iCustoms is designed to streamline your all customs procedures in a few minutes, cut additional costs and save time.

Struggling to Extract, Catagorise & Validate Your Documents?

Intelligent Document Automation

Capture & Upload Data in Seconds with AI & Machine Learning

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Intelligent Document Processing Software vs. Manual Data Entry

Choosing between Intelligent Document Processing software and manual data entry holds significant weight in the trades and customs sector, where precision and efficiency reign supreme. Today, businesses have a game-changing advantage with advanced technologies that streamline document handling and automate crucial procedures, marking a pivotal shift thanks to technological progress. Let’s look at the contrasting landscapes of IDP software and manual data entry in this specialised domain.

According to research by Raymond R. Panko, there is an 18% to 40% chance of a human error while manually entering data into spreadsheets and documents. This mistake rate rises much more for complicated customs documents.

Challenges of manual data entry in customs

Customs and trades face numerous challenges when entering data by hand, which makes the process less accurate, efficient, and less smooth overall. The following are some of the main issues:

Human error

  • Typos and errors: Entering data is a time-consuming and repetitive process, which raises the possibility of errors, misreadings, and missing crucial information. These mistakes may result in fines, shipments being seized, and delays.
  • Inconsistent formatting: Trade documents can be found in a variety of languages and formats, which makes it challenging to guarantee consistency in data entry and can cause processing delays.
  • Fraudulent activity: Manual handling creates security risks and raises compliance issues by providing opportunities for criminals to tamper with data or falsify documents.

Time and resource consumption

  • Processing delays: Entering data by hand takes a lot of time and can cause delays in company transactions, shipment deliveries, and customs clearance. This can have an influence on consumer satisfaction while also costing businesses time and money.
  • Inefficient resource allocation: Large teams of data entry personnel are frequently needed, especially for high-volume trade transactions. This can be costly and reduce resources for other important tasks.
  • Lack of real-time data: Manual processes slow down getting and analysing data, making it tough to make smart decisions or adapt to market changes or new laws in a timely manner.

Limited scalability

  • Unable to manage higher volume: When trade volumes rise, manual data entry cannot keep up, leading to bottlenecks and backlogs. Adding more staff is necessary for scaling up, which raises expenses and puts more strain on available resources.
  • Lack of interface with other systems: Manual data is frequently compartmentalised, making it difficult to combine with other customs and trade systems, restricting automation and data visibility.
  • Decreased accountability and transparency in trade operations: Manual processes make it impossible to precisely audit data and adhere to shipment status, which further reduces transparency.

These difficulties underline the crucial importance of digitalisation and automation platforms in customs and trade. Businesses can increase the accuracy, efficiency, and scalability of their customs and trade operations by implementing technology such as IDP software and document automation tools.

Introducing Intelligent Document Processing Software: Enhancing Operational Efficiency

IDP is a process automation software that employs various technologies to replace manual data entry processes.

  • OCR: IDP employs OCR to read and convert scanned documents or photos into machine-readable text, allowing for information extraction.
  • ML: Over time, IDP software increases the accuracy of data extraction and classification by continuously learning from data patterns.
  • NLP: By helping software comprehend the relationships, context, and meaning of text, NLP improves its capacity to extract pertinent data from unstructured texts.

IDP software: overcoming the challenges of manual data entry in customs

Data extraction from various documents

  • Packing lists
  • Bills of lading
  • Certificates
  • Invoices.

By reliably and consistently extracting relevant information from these documents, it ensures data consistency.

Automating customs forms and declarations

By automating the data extraction and input processes, this intelligent power automation tool simplifies the completion of customs forms and declarations. This automation considerably speeds up the clearance process, decreasing errors caused by manual entry.

Simplifying compliance checks

By comparing extracted data with accepted norms and rules, this software for document management guarantees regulatory accuracy. By reducing the chance of non-compliance, this capacity helps to prevent fines and shipment delays.

Improving data transparency and accessibility

This legal document automation software offers correct information in real time by centralising and digitising data. This provides immediate insights, powering business owners to make the right decisions.

Intelligent Document Processing Software vs. Manual Data Entry

Intelligent Document Processing Software vs. Manual Data Entry

The following list of salient features compares manual data entry with intelligent document processing (IDP) software:

Speed and efficiency

  • IDP: The automation built into IDP software speeds up document processing. It quickly gathers, sorts, and organises data from a variety of documents, cutting down on the time needed to complete these operations.
  • Manual data entry: Manual procedures are time-consuming and slow. Manual data entry requires a lot more time than intelligent automation software.

Precision and reliability

  • IDP: IDP ensures greater accuracy in data extraction and processing by utilising technologies such as OCR, machine learning, and natural language processing. When compared to manual data entry, it reduces errors and produces more trustworthy data.
  • Manual data entry: Typing data by hand is prone to mistakes, including typos, misreadings, and omissions, which can result in less accurate and potentially unreliable data.

Flexibility and scalability

  • IDP: This is intended to handle large amounts of documents efficiently. Its scalability enables it to adapt to different document kinds and volumes, ensuring efficiency even when workloads fluctuate.

  • Manual data entry: When handling massive volumes of data, manual approaches frequently result in bottlenecks and inconsistencies since they are unable to grow with the volume of documents.


  • IDP: IDP software boosts cost-effectiveness and yields a higher return on investment (ROI) over time due to increased efficiency and decreased operating expenses by automating tasks and saving time and resources.

  • Manual data entry: Using human labour alone for data input results in increased expenses related to work, time, and possible mistakes. This can lead to financial losses and a reduction in overall productivity.

Security and compliance

  • IDP: IDP uses standards-based data cross-referencing to guarantee accurate trade compliance with laws. It frequently includes strong security features as well to protect private data.

  • Manual data entry: Due to human mistakes or misinterpretation of regulations, manual techniques carry a higher chance of compliance issues. Furthermore, data security can be jeopardised if proper steps to protect information are not implemented.

Choosing the best intelligent document processing software

Selecting the best Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) software is critical for trades and customs, and iCustoms stands out for its unique features and capabilities. With its exceptional ability to integrate with current systems, iCustoms’ IDP software guarantees compatibility and a seamless transfer.

Furthermore, iCustoms’ IDP tool goes above and beyond basic options. It has configurable workflows that may be adjusted to meet certain business needs, guaranteeing efficient operations. The software prioritises strong security features, which protect important trade-related data. Its scalability also easily adapts to changing business requirements, enabling smooth expansion without sacrificing effectiveness.

When it comes to trades and customs, iCustoms’ IDP software stands out as a comprehensive solution. It provides robust security, scalability, customisable workflows, adaptability, and compliance, making it an excellent option for improving document management and expediting customs procedures.


What is the difference between manual and automated data entry?

Manual data entry includes humans entering data by hand, which is prone to errors. Automated entry relies on technology to increase efficiency and accuracy.

What is the difference between manual and automatic data processing?

Manual data processing requires human intervention, whereas automation processing uses technology for speedier, error-free procedures.

What is document processing vs intelligent document processing?

Document processing can be done manually or digitally, and intelligent processing automates operations to improve accuracy and efficiency.

Why is intelligent document processing important?

Intelligent document processing improves accuracy, speed, error reduction, and compliance while streamlining operations and increasing productivity.

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Struggling to Extract, Catagorise & Validate Your Documents?

Intelligent Document Automation

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About iCustoms

iCustoms is an all-in-one solution helping businesses automate customs processes more efficiently. With AI-powered and machine-learning capabilities, iCustoms is designed to streamline your all customs procedures in a few minutes, cut additional costs and save time.

Struggling to Extract, Catagorise & Validate Your Documents?

Intelligent Document Automation

Capture & Upload Data in Seconds with AI & Machine Learning

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